Yet, another test system.
Well, power system operations, planning and markets are tested on these systems. Before electricity market designs are put into production phase, they are tested on some test systems. One of the most popular test systems for economic studies is the PJM 5 bus system.
Mostly, studies on locational marginal pricing (LMP) and security constrained unit commitment or economic dispatch have been studied on this small system.
Two notable sources which detail the system’s characteristic and usage are the following:
Replicated the results of the constrained and unconstrained scenarios from the PJM website below. The unconstrained results show equal LMP across the system, while the constrained system provides higher level of demand and the transmission line limits cause the LMP to be different.
Unconstrained case. |
Constrained case. |
You can download the PJM 5 bus system here. Use PowerWorld to simulate the results and don’t forget to input for generation cost output model which I assumed it to be piecewise linear cost function and go to Case Information à OPF à Areas, under AGC status set to OPF. Under Run mode, do the Primal LP OPF solution to acquire the results.