Ms. Diana Limjoco, manufacturer of E-vehicles in the Philippines responded to my query and corrected my post on charging time of one E-Jeepney which I assumed to be 8 hours. According to her, an E-Jeepney can be charged fully at about 4-5 hours if done right.
Below, I updated the graphs for the loading impact of E-Jeepney(s) charging from 8 hours to 5 hours. No matter what the charging time is, a 25 kVA distribution transformer will suffer overloading for 1 PHUV scenario when charged during the evening and will be heavily loaded in other scenarios. If 2 PHUVs are charged at the same time, the 25 kVA distribution transformer will have severe overloads. And even if the transformer is rated 37.5 kVA, 2 PHUV charging at the same time will overload the transformer when combined with the base residential load.
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