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Thursday, 27 December 2012

Info Post
Reactive power consumption or injection is a promising feature out of electric vehicle charging. In [1] and [2], the authors present the analysis of the  reactive power control capability of an electric vehicle charging system to support the power system. Reactive power support and economics from the electric vehicles were discussed in references [3] and [4].

The electric vehicle charger follows the modes of operation [1]:

Electric vehicle charger operating modes [1].

Given these modes, analyzing power system voltage stability with electric vehicle charging would be needed. PV and QV curves will be helpful to assess the impact of the different charger operating modes as well as transient voltage stability simulations. This would be a welcome addition to the increasing literature of vehicle to grid (V2G) especially when the grid operator coordinates a large fleet of electric vehicle with the power network.

Does the electric vehicle charging mode provide increased power transfer in terms of static voltage stability? Does the operating mode of an electric vehicle charger gives a better voltage recovery during transient periods?

These research questions can be analyzed by modeling electric vehicle charging operating modes integrated in a power system test case.


  1. M. Kisacikoglu, B. Ozpineci, L. M. Tolbert, "V2G Reactive Power Compensation Using a PHEV Bidirectional Charger Interface Rated at Level 1, 2, and 3 Charging Standards," IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, Atlanta, Georgia, Sept. 12-16, 2010.
  2. M. Kisacikoglu, B. Ozpineci, L. M. Tolbert, "Examination of a PHEV Bidirectional Charger System for V2G Reactive Power Compensation," IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference, Palm Springs, California, Feb. 21-25, 2010, pp. 458-465.
  3. Chenye Wu, Hamed Mohsenian-Rad, and Jianwei Huang, “PEV-based Reactive Power Compensation for Wind DG Units: A Stackelberg Game Approach”, in Proc. of the IEEE Conference on Smart Grid Communications (SmartGridComm’12), Tainan City, Taiwan, October 2012.
  4. Chenye Wu, Hamed Mohsenian-Rad, Jianwei Huang, Juri Jatskevich, PEV-Based Combined Frequency and Voltage Regulation for Smart Grid, the 3rd IEEE Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference, Washington DC, Jan 2012.


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